
优质驱动精品 领先创新技术


展会上,艾默生CT的36平方米展台在柔和灯光的衬托下,显得美轮美奂、独具特色,产品的摆放也错落有致。展台上,艾默生CT重点展出了包括新产品EV5000等适用于纺机行业的EV系列通用型变频器家族产品、伺服电机、Unidrive SP高性能系统型变频驱动器、高性能的Mentor直流驱动器以及各种用于纺织行业自动化节能改造的成熟的技术和系列优秀解决方案。




关于Control Techniques

Control Techniques (简称 艾默生CT) 是艾默生工业自动化的下属公司。我们的专项是驱动器的设计、生产和工程应用,并提供技术支持和售后服务。我们的目标是确保客户在使用了CT优良可靠的产品后,能降低生产成本,提高生产效率。



About Emerson Industrial Automation

Emerson Industrial Automation, a business of Emerson, delivers manufacturing solutions designed with leading technologies - including mechanical, electrical and ultrasonic - to provide the most advanced industrial automation possible for numerous and diverse industries worldwide. The company's wide range of products and systems used in manufacturing processes and other equipment includes motion control systems, plastics joining, precision cleaning, materials-testing equipment, fluid control valves, alternators, motors, and mechanical power transmission drives and bearings. For more information, visit www.emerson.com 。

About Control Techniques

As part of Emerson Industrial Automation, Control Techniques (Emerson CT) has an undivided focus on the design, manufacture and application of Variable Speed Drives, and on the provision of technical support and after-sales services. We aim to reduce production cost and increase productivity through our sound and reliable products.

Emerson CT is a global player, with manufacturing and R&D facilities in Europe and Asia, and 53 Drive & Application Centers across 25 countries, which offer local sale & service supports and comprehensive drive solutions for the clients.

In China, apart from our headquarters in Shenzhen and Shanghai, we have 5 Drive Centers in Northeast China, Greater North, Greater Center, East China and South China. Leverage on our leading drive technologies and abundant experiences in the industrial automation industry, we provide a comprehensive package of drive solutions which covers the general-purpose and high performance AC/DC drives, servos, servo motors and photovoltaic grid-connected inverter. For more details, please visit www.controltechniques.com or www.emerson-ct.cn. 。
