

Tokyo, Japan, Dec. 21, 2006 - (JCN Newswire) - Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd. (MHI) has received a full-turnkey order from Empresa Electrica Guacolda S.A., an electricity provider in Chile, for a 152 MW (megawatt) coal-fired power generation plant to be built at the Guacolda Power Station in Huasco. Previously, MHI received orders for the No.1 and No.2 units of identical scale at the same plant, and the latest order marks the third unit ordered by the company. The No. 3 unit is scheduled to go on-stream in September 2009.
东京12月21日消息——三菱重工获得了一份来自智利电力供应商Empresa Electrica Guacolda S.A.的整体承包合同,为其位于Huasco的Guacolda电站建造一个152兆瓦的煤力发电厂。此前,三菱重工在这同一电站获得了相同规模的1号和2号发电厂建造合同,本最新合同是公司给予的第三份合同。3号发电厂预计于2009年9月建成投产。
The new power plant to be built in Huasco, approximately 700 kilometers north of Santiago, Chile's capital, will consist of a boiler, steam turbine, generator and steam condenser. MHI will manufacture the boiler at its Yokohama Dockyard and Machinery Works, which is also responsible for the plant construction work, and the steam turbine and steam condenser at its Nagasaki Shipyard and Machinery Works. Mitsubishi Electric Corporation will supply the generator and Mitsubishi Corporation will handle the trade particulars.
Electrica Guacolda, headquartered in Santiago, is a mid-sized electricity provider in Chile. Based on long-term sales contracts, the company provides electricity to power distributors and state-owned and private copper mining companies. The Guacolda Power Station is advantageously located in Huasco in the proximity of customers. The high evaluation accorded by Electrica Guacolda to MHI's technological expertise and the proven operational record of its previously delivered power plants resulted in the award of the latest order.
总部位于圣地亚哥的Electrica Guacolda是智利的一家中型电力供应商。根据长期的销售合约,该公司向配电商以及国营和私营铜矿公司提供电力。Guacolda电站的位置得天独厚,非常靠近其客户。Electrica Guacolda对三菱重工前面交付的发电厂的技术实力和得到证明的运作记录评价颇高,从而为三菱重工赢得这份最新的订单。
Amidst recovery of both the global and domestic economies and the resulting rise in international copper prices, Chile's real gross domestic product (GDP) grew 6.3% in 2005 and continues to expand, with growth in 2006 now estimated to reach about 5%. Accordingly, the nation's electricity demand is also increasing.
随着全球和国内经济的恢复,以及国际铜价的上升,2005年智利的真实国内生产总值(GDP)增长了6.3%,而且继续着增长势头,2006年到现时估计增长达5% 。因此,这个国家的电力需求也在不断增长。
Historically, hydropower has been Chile's major power source, but hydropower is vulnerable to seasonal and climatic changes - i.e. fluctuations in rainfall quantity. In response, the Chilean government began to diversify its energy mix to increase thermal power generation by natural gas and coal. However, to secure the energy resources to fuel its thermal power generation plants, Chile must rely on imports. Ever since the country faced a natural gas crisis in 2004, when the government of Argentina limited natural gas exports to Chile, coal-fired power plants have begun to receive renewed attention as a substitute for plants fired by natural gas.
Gaining momentum from the latest order, MHI will now further strengthen its marketing activities in Central and South America, especially in Chile where the economy is expanding steadily.
