

OPC Unified Architecture and TwinCAT: New, platform-independent communication and information technology
Minneapolis, December 12, 2006 – To bring even greater openness to automation and control applications, Beckhoff Automation’s TwinCAT automation software now conforms to OPC UA (Unified Architecture). As one of the first to implement the new OPC UA specification, Beckhoff featured a live demonstration of this leading edge technology in their PC-based controllers at the SPS/IPC/DRIVES 2006 trade show in Nuremberg, Germany.
明尼阿波利斯12月12日消息——为了给自动化和控制应用带来更大的开放度,倍福自动化的TwinCAT自动化软件现在开始兼容OPC UA (统一架构)。作为最先实施最新OPC统一架构规范的公司之一,倍福在德国纽伦堡的SPS/IPC/DRIVES 2006展会上生动地展示了其PC-based 控制器的领先尖端技术。
OPC is an established and recognized standard for data exchange between control and HMI in manufacturing and process automation. Previous OPC technology is based on the Microsoft COM/DCOM model and is limited to Microsoft-based operating systems.
OPC 是生产以及过程自动化的控制和人机界面之间数据交换的一个已有的公认标准。先前的OPC技术是基于微软的COM/DCOM技术,而且局限于微软的操作系统。
Applications connecting to the MES and ERP levels result in new challenges in terms of scalability, network capability, platform independence and security. The new OPC UA standard is based on TCP communication and is, therefore, platform-independent. The "Unified Architecture" specification creates the basis for new platform-independent communication and information technologies.
链接MES(生产执行系统)和ERP(企业资源计划)级别的应用在可升级性、网络容量、平台独立性和安全性等方面产生了新的挑战。最新的OPC UA标准基于TCP通信协议,因此,它是平台独立的。该“统一架构”规范为新型独立平台通信和信息技术创造了基础。
In addition to platform independence, a further advantage is that only a minimum amount of OPC configuration is required in networks. Direct UA TCP communication is available as soon as a PLC is available in the network. In addition to standardized exchange of PLC process data, the OPC UA solution from Beckhoff also offers device-specific information and services.
除了平台独立之外,更深一层的优势是网络所需要的OPC配置量极小。一旦网络中有一台PLC可用,直接 UA TCP通信马上可以实现。除了标准化PLC过程数据的交换,倍福的OPC统一架构解决方案还提供特殊设备信息和服务。
Beckhoff Automation provides advanced, open automation products based upon proven technologies so that customers can implement high performance control systems faster and at a lower overall cost than traditional PLC and motion control systems. Beckhoff’s “New Automation Technology” product range includes PC based control, industrial PCs, automation controllers, operator interface, I/O, servo drives and motors. With representation in more than 60 countries, Beckhoff is well positioned to provide global sales and service to its customers. Sales and service are handled directly, with no intermediaries involved to provide faster response and improved communications.
倍福自动化通过可靠的技术为业界提供高端的开放式自动化产品,使用户实现高性能的控制系统,比传统PLC和运动控制系统更快而且整体成本更低。倍福的“新自动化技术”产品范围包括PC-based 控制、工业电脑、自动化控制器、操作界面、I/O、伺服驱动以及电机。倍福在60多个国家开展业务,很好地为其顾客提供了全球销售和服务。倍福的销售和服务直接面向客户,不设计任何中间环节,从而可以提供更快的响应以及更好的沟通。
