

Freescale Joins IBM Technology Alliance for Semiconductor Research
January 24, 2007 -- Freescale Semiconductor and IBM announced that Freescale will join the IBM technology alliance for joint semiconductor research and development. The agreement includes Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor (CMOS) and Silicon-on-Insulator (SOI) technologies as well as advanced semiconductor research and design enablement transitioning at the 45-nanometer generation. Freescale is the first technology development partner in the IBM technology alliance to participate in both low-power and high-performance technology research and development.
This agreement brings together Freescale's leadership in key embedded markets, including automotive, networking, wireless, industrial and consumer, with IBM's success in developing world-class technology and industry-leading systems expertise.
This alliance will enable Freescale to further strengthen its manufacturing strategy. In addition to leveraging owned capacity in internal fabs and its existing relationships with leading foundry manufacturers, Freescale will have access to the combined manufacturing capacity of IBM's Common Platform partners. The Common Platform provides its semiconductor fabrication partners with synchronized manufacturing processes to help ensure the maximum flexibility and lowest development investment for multi-source, high volume manufacturing.
"This partnership creates an exciting opportunity to combine the complementary strengths of Freescale and the IBM Alliance," said Sumit Sadana, senior vice president, Strategy and Business Development and acting chief technology officer, Freescale. "This industry-leading technology roadmap will enable Freescale to deliver substantial value to our customers."
飞思卡尔代理首席技术官兼战略和业务发展部高级副总裁Sumit Sadana表示:“这次合作为飞思卡尔和IBM联盟的实力互补创造了一个极好机会。这一业界领先的技术路标将使飞思卡尔为客户带来巨大的价值。”
"Freescale's addition to the IBM technology alliance is a significant vote of confidence for IBM's collaborative model and the work we are doing jointly with our technology partners," said Lisa Su, vice president, Semiconductor Research and Development, IBM. "Freescale will be a valuable addition to our team, with its deep expertise in semiconductor process development and fast growing embedded applications, like automotive, networking and wireless."
IBM半导体研发部副总裁 Lisa Su则表示:“飞思卡尔加入IBM联盟是对IBM的合作模式以及我们联合技术合作伙伴正在开展的工作投的一张重要信任票。通过其在半导体过程开发的深厚技术能力,以及在汽车、网络和无线等飞速增长的嵌入式应用,飞思卡尔将成为我们团队很有价值的一个补充。”
About Freescale Semiconductor
Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. is a global leader in the design and manufacture of embedded semiconductors for the automotive, consumer, industrial, networking and wireless markets. The privately held company is based in Austin, Texas, and has design, research and development, manufacturing or sales operations in more than 30 countries. Freescale is one of the world's largest semiconductor companies with sales of $6.2 billion (USD) for the most recently reported four quarters.
