The technology of continuously synchronizing lifting (descending) for large-scale frame component is a new & high technology supported by National No.863 Project and Shanghai Emphasis-Project Fund,which has been launched into industrialization and is continually underway of perfection. TongJi University Shanghai Constructive Robot Engineering Research Centre has successfully developed and applied hydraulic synchronizing lifting techniques to a series of national important projects such as two sets of 600 tonnage frame crane hoist engineering in Shanghai Hudong-Zhonghua Shipbuilding Plant (the first set on January 29 to February 2, 2002, the second set on December 16 to 19, 2002); overpass lifting work of Shanghai Harbor Machinery Co., Ltd., Harbin International Gymnastic Conference & exhibition Center, Qingdao Liu-Ting Airport etc.. The hydraulic synchronizing lifting technique is a new technology for large-scale frame component, it adopts flexible steel strand wire or rigid bearing pillar, cluster of hoisters, computer controls and new principle of hydraulic synchronizing lifting, combined with modern construction techniques, lifting an integral large-scale frame component weighing thousands upon thousands tons up to high altitude in position of installation. During lifting, it is necessary to monitor in real time the job process, as well as equipment’s running conditions, all parameters and specifications. So the advanced, reliable and high performance monitoring system is indispensable plus the supply of traditional hydraulic lifting technique. For this purpose, the GE Fanuc control system and the DATA LINC telecommunication products are used in this project. The project has been completed successfully with the effective help of Shanghai Share Automation System Integration Inc. and Shanghai LongLi Technology Development Inc.