现货低价 Fanuc RJ3iB R-30iA F-200iA F-200iB P-50i M-710iBT 200iA 200iC 200iA/5L 200iB 100i 2000iB R-2000iA Pendant
产品型号:Fanuc RJ3iB R-30iA F-200
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本公司专业销售大型进口各种品牌DCS系统模块备件:ABB Advant OCS,ABB MOD 30/MODCELL,
ABB MOD 300,ABB Bailey INFI 90,ABB Procontic,ABB Procontrol,H&B Contronic,Moore APACS
,Moore Panel Controllers,Rosemount RS-3,Siemens Iskamatic,Siemens Simatic S5,Siemens Simatic C1,
Yokogawa Centum XL,Yokogawa microXL,FOXBORO I/A,GE FANUC,Honeywell QCS,Honeywell TDC系列,Honeywell S9000,
传真号码:0592-5580710 0592-5580709
网址:http://xrdauto.51sole.com/ http://www.xrdauto.com
Fanuc Workcells
电路板 A20B-2100-0250
电路板 A20B-2100-0251
电路板 A20B-2100-0252
电路板 A20B-2100-0761
电路板 A20B-2100-0762
电路板 A20B-2100-0800
电路板 A20B-2100-0913
电路板 A20B-2101-0042
电路板 A20B-2101-0050
电路板 A20B-2101-0070
电路板 A20B-2101-0091
电路板 A20B-2101-0392
电路板 A20B-2200-0855
电路板 A20B-2900-0430
电路板 A20B-2900-0442
电路板 A20B-2900-0450
电路板 A20B-2900-0480
电路板 A20B-2900-0501
电路板 A20B-2900-0540
电路板 A20B-2902-0070
电路板 A20B-2902-0210
电路板 A20B-3300-0032
电路板 A20B-3300-0071
电路板 A20B-3300-0476
电路板 A20B-3300-0479
电路板 A20B-3900-0042
电路板 A20B-3900-0080
电路板 A20B-8000-0820
电路板 A20B-8100-0661
电路板 A20B-8200-0395
电路板 A20B-9001-0610
电路板 A20B-9001-0611
电机 A06B-0115-B275
电机 A06B-0212-B100
电机 A06B-0212-B400
电机 A06B-0215-B100
底板 A20B-1002-0860
存贮器板 A87L-0001-0084
储存卡 A02B-0076-K002
编码器 A290-0561-V569
编码器 A290-0561-V531(A860-0320-T111)
编码器 A290-0561-V532(A860-0320-T112)
编码器 A290-0601-T804
编码器 A860-0300-T001
编码器 A860-0300-T002
编码器 A860-0300-T003
编码器 A860-0304-T011
编码器 A860-0304-T111
编码器 A860-0304-T113
编码器 A860-0305-V501
编码器 A860-0309-T302
编码器 A860-0310-T022
编码器 A860-0314-T111
编码器 A860-0315-T101
编码器 A860-0315-T102
编码器 A860-0316-T001
编码器 A860-0316-T041
编码器 A860-0316-T101
编码器 A860-0320-T011
编码器 A860-0320-T111
编码器 A860-0320-T113
编码器 A860-0326-T101
编码器 A860-0326-T102
编码器 A860-0340-T241
编码器 A860-0346-T041
编码器 A860-0346-T101
编码器 A860-0346-T141
编码器 A860-0346-T241
编码器 A860-0350-T201
编码器 A860-0356-T101
编码器 A860-0356-T103
编码器 A860-0356-X001
编码器 A860-0356-X010
编码器 A860-0360-T001
编码器 A860-0360-T101
编码器 A860-0360-T201
编码器 A860-0360-V500
编码器 A860-0360-V501(A860-0360-T201)
编码器 A860-0360-V511(A860-0360-T211)
编码器 A860-0365-T001
编码器 A860-0365-T101
编码器 A860-0365-V501
编码器 A860-0370-T002
编码器 A860-0370-T301
编码器 A860-0370-V501(A860-0370-T201)
编码器 A860-0370-V502
编码器 A860-2000-T201
编码器 A860-2000-T301
编码器 A860-2000-T321
编码器 A860-2000-T901
编码器 A860-2000-X021
编码器 A860-2001-T301
编码器 A860-2001-T321
编码器 A860-2005-T301
编码器 A860-2010-T341
编码器 A860-2014-T301
编码器 A860-2014-T301
编码器 A860-2020-T301
编码器 A860-2360-V501
编码器 A860-2020-T001
按键小板 A20B-2003-0840
按键板 A20B-1001-0711
按键板 A20B-0261-C162
SIF卡 A20B-2900-0380
SCA卡 A20B-2901-0480
ROM板 A20B-0008-0440
ROM板 A20B-0008-0480
RAM卡 A20B-2902-0331
POWER UNIF A14B-0082-B202
驱动器 A06B-6130-H002
驱动器 A20B-1003-0080
驱动器 A20B-1003-0081
驱动器 A06B-6093-H152(A20B-2100-0182)
驱动器 A06B-6093-H112(A20B-2002-0641)
驱动底板 A16B-1100-0092
驱动底板 A16B-2203-0691
驱动底板 A20B-1003-0082
驱动底板 A20B-1003-0271
驱动侧小板 A20B-2101-0041
驱动侧板 A16B-2203-0675
驱动板上板 A20B-1000-0220
驱动板 A06B-6047-H003(A20B-0009-0320)
驱动板 A06B-6050-H005(A20B-1000-0560)
驱动板 A06B-6052-H003
驱动板 A16B-1200-0230
驱动板 A16B-2202-0612
驱动板 A16B-2202-0661
驱动板 A16B-2202-0682
驱动板 A16B-2202-0740
驱动板 A16B-2202-0750
驱动板 A16B-2202-0774
驱动板 A16B-2202-0780
驱动板 A16B-2202-0956
驱动板 A16B-2203-0592
驱动板 A16B-2203-0653
驱动板 A16B-2203-0803
驱动板 A16B-2203-0815
驱动板 A16B-2203-0992
驱动板 A16B-2203-0994
驱动板 A16B-2203-0995
驱动板 A20B-0007-0360
驱动板 A20B-0007-0361
驱动板 A20B-1000-0560
内存卡 A16B-2203-0240
内存卡 A16B-2203-0241
模块 6D100A-050
模块 6D75A-050
面板 A05B-2115-6004
面板 A20B-0007-0030
马达(含编码器 )A06B-0113-B018
马达 A06B-0112-B077
马达 A06B-0112-B103
马达 A06B-0116-B075
马达 A06B-0116-B103
马达 A06B-0116-B202
马达 A06B-0116-B203
马达 A06B-0116-B204
马达 A06B-0116-B275
马达 A06B-0116-B403
马达 A06B-0116-B855
马达 A06B-0144-B075
马达 A06B-0157-B077
马达 A06B-0162-B175(A860-0360-V501)
马达 A06B-0213-B100(A860-2000-T301)
马达 A06B-0220-B001(A860-2005-T301)
马达 A06B-0227-B300
马达 A06B-0268-B100(A860-2020-T301)
马达 A06B-0312-B002(A860-0304-T112
马达 A06B-0313-B001(A860-0304-T111)
马达 A06B-0313-B001(带刹车)(A860-0304-T111)
马达 A06B-0313-B005(A860-0315-T102)
马达 A06B-0313-B074(A860-0356-T101)
马达 A06B-0314-B002(A290-0561-V502 A860-0304-T112)
马达 A06B-0314-B003(A290-0661-V503 A860-0304-T113)
马达 A06B-0314-B006(A860-0315-T103)
马达 A06B-0314-B010(A860-0316-T101)
马达 A06B-0314-B031(A860-0320-T111)
马达 A06B-0314-B032(A290-0561-V532 A860-0320-T112
马达 A06B-0314-B043(A860-0326-T301
马达 A06B-0314-B069(290-0561-V569 A860-0304-T001)
马达 A06B-0377-B501(A860-0370-T002)
马达 A06B-0512-B002(A290-0561-V502 A860-0304-T112)
马达 A06B-0512-B301(A860-0304-T111)
马达 A06B-0514-B002(A860-0304-T112)
马达 A06B-0514-B004(A860-0315--T101)
马达 A06B-0514-B072(A860-0346-T141)
马达 A06B-0514-B155(A860-0346-T141)
马达 A06B-0522-B042(A860-0308-T113/A290-0521-V542)
马达 A06B-0522-B043(A860-0308-T113)
马达 A06B-0564-B084(A860-0346-T241)
固定式脉冲 A860-0201-T002
隔离放大器 A44L-0001-0094
隔离放大器 A76L-0300-0035
感应头 109-0699-4B02-02
感应头 109-0699-4B02-03(SH2-256-5-1N)
感应头 A20B-2001-0590
感应头 A20B-2002-0300
感应头 A20B-2002-0310
感应头 A20B-2003-0311
感应头 A20B-9000-0300
感应头 A20B-9000-0500
感应头 A20B-9000-0500
感应头 A20B-9001-0780
感应头 A20B-9001-0780
感应头 A20B-9001-0800
感应头 A20B-2003-0310
风扇 A90L-0001-0284
风扇 A90L-0001-0317
风扇 A90L-0001-0443
风扇 A90L-0001-0444
风扇 A90L-0001-0491
风扇 A90L-0001-0515
风扇 A90L-0001-0516
风扇 A90L-0001-0519
风扇 A90L-0001-0533
风扇 A90L-0001-0540
风扇 A90L-0001-0718
风扇 7126PT-24W-B30-M01
风扇 7126PT-24W-B30-S01
风扇 8330PT-24W-B30-S01
风扇 A90L-0001-0316
风扇 A90L-0001-0318
风扇 A90L-0001-0400
风扇 A90L-0001-0538
电源板 A20B-1004-0960
电源 A20B-1000-0770
电源 A20B-1002-0680
电路板 5405790
电路板 A06B-1000-0770
电路板 A16B-1010-0331
电路板 A16B-1100-0330
电路板 A16B-1210-0020
电路板 A16B-1210-0270
电路板 A16B-1210-0300
电路板 A16B-1210-0340
电路板 A16B-1211-0030
电路板 A16B-1211-0042
电路板 A16B-1211-0860
电路板 A16B-2100-0762
电路板 A16B-2200-0660
电路板 A16B-2201-0030
电路板 A16B-2201-0892
电路板 A16B-2202-0420
电路板 A16B-2202-0421
电路板 A16B-2202-0423
电路板 A16B-2202-0752
电路板 A16B-2202-0762
电路板 A16B-2202-0770
电路板 A16B-2202-0775
电路板 A16B-2202-0951
电路板 A16B-2203-0292
电路板 A16B-2203-0637
电路板 A16B-2203-0660
电路板 A16B-3200-0400
电路板 A20B-0902-0371
电路板 A20B-1000-0560
电路板 A20B-1003-0010
电路板 A20B-2001-0670
电路板 A20B-2002-0030
电路板 A20B-2002-0031
电路板 A20B-2002-0041(A20B-2002-0031)
电路板 A20B-2002-0531
Take advantage of the increased productivity and savings provided by one of RobotWorx' custom-built Fanuc workcells. Fanuc workcells are fitted with complete safety environments, tooling, positioners, and much more at an affordable cost.
Models: Ferris Wheel System, Track System, Gantry System, more...
Fanuc Robots - ArcMate Series
Fanuc ArcMate robots are a line of dedicated arc welding robots designed for maximum flexibility and productivity. The small footprint and flexible mounting options make ArcMate robots ideal for most welding applications.
Models: ArcMate 100, ArcMate 100i, ArcMate 100iB, ArcMate 100iC, ArcMate 120i, ArcMate 120iL, ArcMate 120iB, ArcMate 120iC, ArcMate 50iL, ArcMate 50iB, ArcMate 50iC/5L, ArcMate 120iB/10L
Fanuc Robots - M Series
The M Series of Fanuc Robots is designed to handle material handling applications. From pick and place to machine loading, this wide variety of robots has a solution for every handling application.
Models: M-6i, M-6iB, M-16i, M-16iL, M-16iB, M-710i, M-710iB, M-710iC, M-10iA, M-20iA, M-900iA, M-2000iA, M-1iA, M-3iA
Fanuc Robots - S Series
The Fanuc Robots in the S Series are all-purpose industrial automation robots that can do it all! From welding to handling, this Fanuc line represents a large payload range with a variety of work envelopes.
Models: S-420i, S-420iF, S-420iL, S-420iW, S-430i, S-430iF, S-430iL, S-430iW, S-900i, S900W, S-420S, S-500, S-700, S-500iB, S-900iB, S900H, S900L, S-6, S-10, S-12
Fanuc Robots - R Series
Heavy payloads present no problems for the Fanuc Robotics R Series. These hefty robots perform taxing applications, such as material handling and spot welding, with high-speed precision and grace.
Models: R-1000iA/80F, R-2000iA, R-2000iA/210F, R-2000iB
Fanuc Robots - LR Mate Series
Fanuc Robotics delivers a versatile line with the tabletop LR Mate series. Flexible mounting options combine with Fanuc precision to deliver a robot used for a wide variety of handling applications. Cleanroom options are available.
Models: LR Mate 100i, LR Mate 100iB, LR Mate 200i, LR Mate 200iB, LR Mate 200iC
Fanuc Robots - Painting Series
Fanuc painting robots offer a wide range of process advantages that help maximize system performance. They offer precise, reliable, and affordable coating solutions to a wide range of industries.
Models: Paint Mate 200iA/5L, Paint Mate 200iA, P-50i, P-100, P-120, P-145, P-155, P-200, P-200E, P-200T, P-250iA, P-250iA/15T, P-500, P-10, P-15
Fanuc Robots - Palletizing Series
Fanuc Robotics developed a subset of their standard M Series of robots to deliver top performance in palletizing applications. These robots have 2-5 axes and a non-traditional body to maximize throughput at top speeds.
Models: M-410, M-410iW, M-410iWW, M-410iHW, M-410iHS, M-410iB, M-420iA, M-421iA, M-430iA/2F
Fanuc Robots - Rail-Mounted Series
The Fanuc Robotics Toploader line of robots are overhead rail-mounted robot arms that are designed for machine tending and material handling applications. With the ability to service multiple vertical and horizontal machines, the configuration of the mount improves machine productivity,
Models: M-6iT, M-16iAT, ArcMate 120iLT, ArcMate 120iB/10LT, M-16iB/10LT, M-16iB/20T, M-710iBT, M-710iC/T, M-710iC/70T, R-2000iB/200T, SR Mate 200i
Fanuc Robots - F Series
The Fanuc F series robots are parallel link, servo-driven robots with six degrees of freedom. They are designed for use in a variety of manufacturing and automotive assembly processes.
Models: F-200iB, F-200iA
Fanuc Teach Pendants
Fanuc Controllers: R-30iA, R-30iA Mate, RJ3iC, RJ3iB, RJ3, RJ2, RJ
Fanuc ArcMate 100 Robot
Applications: Arc Welding, Mig Welding, Tig Welding
Available Fanuc Controllers: RJ, RJ2
Reach: 1368 mm
Payload: 6 kg
Full Specifications
Fanuc ArcMate 100i Robot
Applications: Arc Welding, Mig Welding, Tig Welding
Available Fanuc Controllers: RJ2, RJ3
Reach: 1368 mm
Payload: 6 kg
Full Specifications
Fanuc ArcMate 100iB Robot
Applications: Mig Welding, Tig Welding
Available Fanuc Controllers: RJ3iB
Reach: 1373 mm
Payload: 6 kg
Full Specifications
Fanuc ArcMate 100iC Robot
Applications: Arc Welding, Mig Welding, Plasma Cutting
Available Fanuc Controllers: R-30iA, RJ3iC
Reach: 1420 mm
Payload: 10 kg
Full Specifications
Fanuc ArcMate 120i Robot
Applications: Mig Welding, Tig Welding
Available Fanuc Controllers: RJ2, RJ3
Reach: 1542 mm
Payload: 16 kg
Full Specifications
Fanuc ArcMate 120iL Robot
Applications: Mig Welding, Tig Welding
Available Fanuc Controllers: RJ2, RJ3
Reach: 1813 mm
Payload: 10 kg
Full Specifications
Fanuc ArcMate 120iB Robot
Applications: Mig Welding, Plasma Cutting, Tig Welding
Available Fanuc Controllers: RJ3iB
Reach: 1667 mm
Payload: 20 kg
Full Specifications
Fanuc ArcMate 120iC Robot
Applications: Arc Welding, Plasma Cutting
Available Fanuc Controllers: R-30iA
Reach: 1811 mm
Payload: 20 kg
Full Specifications
Fanuc ArcMate 50iL Robot
Applications: Mig Welding, Tig Welding
Available Fanuc Controllers: RJ2, RJ3
Reach: 856 mm
Payload: 3 kg
Full Specifications
Fanuc ArcMate 50iB Robot
Applications: Plasma Cutting
Available Fanuc Controllers: RJ3iB
Reach: 856 mm
Payload: 3 kg
Full Specifications
Fanuc ArcMate 50iC/5L Robot
Applications: Arc Welding
Available Fanuc Controllers: R-30iA
Reach: 892 mm
Payload: 5 kg
Full Specifications
Fanuc ArcMate 120iB/10L Robot
Applications: Arc Welding, Mig Welding, Tig Welding
Available Fanuc Controllers: RJ3iB
Reach: 1885 mm
Payload: 10 kg
Full Specifications
Fanuc M-6i Robot
Applications: Arc Welding, Dispensing, Machine Loading
Available Fanuc Controllers: RJ2, RJ3
Reach: 1368 mm
Payload: 6 kg
Full Specifications
Fanuc M-6iB Robot
Applications: Arc Welding, Pick and Place
Available Fanuc Controllers: RJ3iB
Reach: 1373 mm
Payload: 6 kg
Full Specifications
Fanuc M-16i Robot
Applications: Arc Welding, Machine Tending, Material Handling
Available Fanuc Controllers: RJ2, RJ3
Reach: 1605 mm
Payload: 16 kg
Full Specifications
Fanuc M-16iL Robot
Applications: Dispensing, Machine Loading, Machine Tending
Available Fanuc Controllers: RJ3
Reach: 1813 mm
Payload: 10 kg
Full Specifications
Fanuc M-16iB Robot
Applications: Dispensing, Material Handling, Material Removal
Available Fanuc Controllers: RJ3iB
Reach: 1667 mm
Payload: 20 kg
Full Specifications
Fanuc M-710i Robot
Applications: Deburring, Pick and Place
Available Fanuc Controllers: RJ2, RJ3
Reach: 1706 mm
Payload: 45 kg
Full Specifications
Fanuc M-710iB Robot
Applications: Bonding / Sealing, Pick and Place, Plasma Cutting
Available Fanuc Controllers: RJ3, RJ3iB
Reach: 1706 mm
Payload: 45 kg
Full Specifications
Fanuc M-710iC Robot
Applications: Bonding / Sealing, Material Handling
Available Fanuc Controllers: R-30iA
Reach: 2050 mm
Payload: 50 kg
Full Specifications
Fanuc M-10iA Robot
Applications: Material Handling, Part Transfer, Pick and Place
Available Fanuc Controllers: R-30iA
Reach: 1420 mm
Payload: 10 kg
Full Specifications
Fanuc M-20iA Robot
Applications: Dispensing, Machine Loading, Machine Tending
Available Fanuc Controllers: R-30iA
Reach: 1811 mm
Payload: 20 kg
Full Specifications
Fanuc M-900iA Robot
Applications: Foundry, Palletizing, Pick and Place
Available Fanuc Controllers: RJ3, RJ3iB
Reach: 2650 mm
Payload: 350 kg
Full Specifications
Fanuc M-2000iA Robot
Applications: Material Handling
Available Fanuc Controllers: R-30iA
Reach: 3730 mm
Payload: 900 kg
Full Specifications
Fanuc M-1iA Robot
Applications: Material Handling, Order Picking, Packaging
Available Fanuc Controllers: R-30iA
Payload: 1 kg
Full Specifications
Fanuc M-3iA Robot
Applications: Material Handling, Material Removal, Order Picking
Available Fanuc Controllers: R-30iA
Payload: 6 kg
Full Specifications
Fanuc S-420i Robot
Applications: Material Handling, Resistance Welding, Robotic Assembly
Available Fanuc Controllers: RJ3
Reach: 2852 mm
Payload: 120 kg
Full Specifications
Fanuc S-420iF Robot
Applications: Material Handling, Resistance Welding, Robotic Assembly
Available Fanuc Controllers: RJ2
Reach: 2850 mm
Payload: 120 kg
Full Specifications
Fanuc S-420iL Robot
Applications: Material Handling, Palletizing, Spot Welding
Available Fanuc Controllers: RJ2, RJ3
Reach: 3000 mm
Payload: 75 kg
Full Specifications
Fanuc S-420iW Robot
Applications: Material Handling, Palletizing, Resistance Welding
Available Fanuc Controllers: RJ2
Reach: 2850 mm
Payload: 155 kg
Full Specifications
Fanuc S-430i Robot
Applications: Material Handling, Robotic Assembly, Spot Welding
Available Fanuc Controllers: RJ3
Reach: 2643 mm
Payload: 130 kg
Full Specifications
Fanuc S-430iF Robot
Applications: Material Handling, Spot Welding
Available Fanuc Controllers: RJ3
Reach: 2643 mm
Payload: 130 kg
Full Specifications
Fanuc S-430iL Robot
Applications: Material Handling, Palletizing, Part Transfer
Available Fanuc Controllers: RJ3
Reach: 3002 mm
Payload: 125 kg
Full Specifications
Fanuc S-430iW Robot
Applications: Dispensing, Machine Tending, Material Handling
Available Fanuc Controllers: RJ3
Reach: 2643 mm
Payload: 165 kg
Full Specifications
Fanuc S-900i Robot
Applications: Machine Loading, Material Handling, Packaging
Available Fanuc Controllers: RJ3
Reach: 2488 mm
Payload: 220 kg
Full Specifications
Fanuc S900W Robot
Applications: Machine Loading, Material Handling, Spot Welding
Available Fanuc Controllers: RJ, RJ2
Reach: 2488 mm
Payload: 300 kg
Full Specifications
Fanuc S-420S Robot
Applications: Material Handling, Spot Welding
Available Fanuc Controllers: RJ, RJ2
Reach: 2488 mm
Payload: 120 kg
Full Specifications
Fanuc S-500 Robot
Applications: Arc Welding, Bonding / Sealing, Grinding
Available Fanuc Controllers: RJ2, RJ3, RJ3iB
Reach: 2739 mm
Payload: 15 kg
Full Specifications
Fanuc S-700 Robot
Applications: Arc Welding, Material Handling, Robotic Assembly
Available Fanuc Controllers: RJ, RJ2
Reach: 1616 mm
Payload: 30 kg
Full Specifications
Fanuc S-500iB Robot
Applications: Dispensing, Machine Loading, Material Handling
Available Fanuc Controllers: RJ3iB
Reach: 2757 mm
Payload: 15 kg
Full Specifications
Fanuc S-900iB Robot
Applications: Machine Loading, Material Handling, Material Removal
Available Fanuc Controllers: RJ3, RJ3iB
Reach: 2488 mm
Payload: 200 kg
Full Specifications
Fanuc S900H Robot
Applications: Machine Loading, Material Handling, Spot Welding
Available Fanuc Controllers: RJ
Reach: 2488 mm
Payload: 200 kg
Full Specifications
Fanuc S900L Robot
Applications: Machine Loading, Material Handling, Spot Welding
Available Fanuc Controllers: RJ
Reach: 3033 mm
Payload: 165 kg
Full Specifications
Fanuc S-6 Robot
Applications: Arc Welding, Dispensing, Material Handling
Available Fanuc Controllers: RJ, RJ2
Reach: 1346 mm
Payload: 6 kg
Full Specifications
Fanuc S-10 Robot
Applications: Arc Welding, Dispensing, Machine Loading
Available Fanuc Controllers: RJ
Reach: 1346 mm
Payload: 10 kg
Full Specifications
Fanuc S-12 Robot
Applications: Dispensing, Material Handling, Material Removal
Available Fanuc Controllers: RJ, RJ2
Reach: 1605 mm
Payload: 12 kg
Full Specifications
Fanuc R-1000iA/80F Robot
Applications: Material Handling, Palletizing, Resistance Welding
Available Fanuc Controllers: R-30iA
Reach: 2230 mm
Payload: 80 kg
Full Specifications
Fanuc R-2000iA Robot
Applications: Machine Tending, Material Handling, Robot Laser Welding
Available Fanuc Controllers: RJ3iB
Reach: 2650 mm
Payload: 165 kg
Full Specifications
Fanuc R-2000iA/210F Robot
Applications: Dispensing, Foundry, Machine Loading
Available Fanuc Controllers: RJ3iB
Reach: 2650 mm
Payload: 210 kg
Full Specifications
Fanuc R-2000iB Robot
Applications: Foundry, Machine Loading, Material Handling
Available Fanuc Controllers: RJ3iC
Reach: 2655 mm
Payload: 165 kg
Full Specifications
Fanuc LR Mate 100i Robot
Applications: Pick and Place, Welding Automation
Available Fanuc Controllers: RJ2, RJ3
Reach: 620 mm
Payload: 3 kg
Full Specifications
Fanuc LR Mate 100iB Robot
Applications: Deburring, Pick and Place
Available Fanuc Controllers: RJ3iB
Reach: 620 mm
Payload: 3 kg
Full Specifications
Fanuc LR Mate 200i Robot
Applications: Dispensing, Material Handling, Material Removal
Available Fanuc Controllers: RJ2, RJ3
Reach: 700 mm
Payload: 3 kg
Full Specifications
Fanuc LR Mate 200iB Robot
Applications: Cleanroom, Dispensing, Machine Loading
Available Fanuc Controllers: RJ3iB
Reach: 700 mm
Payload: 5 kg
Full Specifications
Fanuc LR Mate 200iC Robot
Applications: Arc Welding, Foundry, Pick and Place
Available Fanuc Controllers: R-30iA Mate
Reach: 704 mm
Payload: 5 kg
Full Specifications
Fanuc Paint Mate 200iA/5L Robot
Applications: Dispensing, Painting Automation, Robotic Coating
Available Fanuc Controllers: R-30iA
Reach: 892 mm
Payload: 5 kg
Full Specifications
Fanuc Paint Mate 200iA Robot
Applications: Dispensing, Painting Automation, Robotic Coating
Available Fanuc Controllers: R-30iA
Reach: 704 mm
Payload: 5 kg
Full Specifications
Fanuc P-50i Robot
Applications: Bonding / Sealing
Available Fanuc Controllers: RJ3
Reach: 1360 mm
Payload: 7 kg
Full Specifications
Fanuc P-100 Robot
Applications: Bonding / Sealing, Dispensing, Painting Automation
Available Fanuc Controllers: RJ, RJ2
Reach: 2383 mm
Payload: 5 kg
Full Specifications
Fanuc P-120 Robot
Applications: Material Handling
Available Fanuc Controllers: RJ2, RJ3
Reach: 2409 mm
Payload: 5 kg
Full Specifications
Fanuc P-145 Robot
Applications: Bonding / Sealing
Available Fanuc Controllers: RJ2, RJ3, RJ3iB
Reach: 2542 mm
Payload: 7 kg
Full Specifications
Fanuc P-155 Robot
Applications: Bonding / Sealing, Dispensing, Painting Automation
Available Fanuc Controllers: RJ, RJ2
Reach: 2613 mm
Payload: 7 kg
Full Specifications
Fanuc P-200 Robot
Applications: Bonding / Sealing
Available Fanuc Controllers: RJ2, RJ3
Reach: 2800 mm
Payload: 15 kg
Full Specifications
Fanuc P-200E Robot
Applications: Dispensing, Painting Automation
Available Fanuc Controllers: RJ3iB
Reach: 2800 mm
Payload: 30 kg
Full Specifications
Fanuc P-200T Robot
Applications: Bonding / Sealing, Cleanroom, Dispensing
Available Fanuc Controllers: RJ2, RJ3
Reach: 2308 mm
Payload: 15 kg
Full Specifications
Fanuc P-250iA Robot
Applications: Cleanroom, Dispensing, Painting Automation
Available Fanuc Controllers: RJ3iC
Reach: 2800 mm
Payload: 15 kg
Full Specifications
Fanuc P-250iA/15T Robot
Applications: Bonding / Sealing, Painting Automation, Robotic Coating
Available Fanuc Controllers: R-30iA
Reach: 2800 mm
Payload: 15 kg
Full Specifications
Fanuc P-500 Robot
Applications: Painting Automation, Robotic Coating, Thermal Spray
Available Fanuc Controllers: RJ3iB
Reach: 3171 mm
Payload: 8 kg
Full Specifications
Fanuc P-10 Robot
Applications: Dispensing, Painting Automation
Available Fanuc Controllers: RJ2
Reach: 1932 mm
Payload: 60 kg
Full Specifications
Fanuc P-15 Robot
Applications: Cleanroom, Material Handling, Painting Automation
Available Fanuc Controllers: RJ2, RJ3
Reach: 2331 mm
Payload: 45 kg
Full Specifications
Fanuc M-410 Robot
Applications: Material Handling, Palletizing
Available Fanuc Controllers: RJ2, RJ3
Reach: 3139 mm
Payload: 60 kg
Full Specifications
Fanuc M-410iW Robot
Applications: Palletizing
Available Fanuc Controllers: RJ2
Reach: 3139 mm
Payload: 100 kg
Full Specifications
Fanuc M-410iWW Robot
Applications: Palletizing
Available Fanuc Controllers: RJ2, RJ3
Reach: 3130 mm
Payload: 400 kg
Full Specifications
Fanuc M-410iHW Robot
Applications: Palletizing
Available Fanuc Controllers: RJ2, RJ3
Reach: 3139 mm
Payload: 250 kg
Full Specifications
Fanuc M-410iHS Robot
Applications: Palletizing
Available Fanuc Controllers: RJ2, RJ3
Reach: 3139 mm
Payload: 100 kg
Full Specifications
Fanuc M-410iB Robot
Applications: Material Handling, Packaging, Palletizing
Available Fanuc Controllers: RJ3iB
Reach: 3143 mm
Payload: 160 kg
Full Specifications
Fanuc M-420iA Robot
Applications: Machine Loading, Packaging, Palletizing
Available Fanuc Controllers: RJ3iB
Reach: 1855 mm
Payload: 40 kg
Full Specifications
Fanuc M-421iA Robot
Applications: Material Handling, Packaging, Palletizing
Available Fanuc Controllers: RJ3iB
Reach: 1855 mm
Payload: 50 kg
Full Specifications
Fanuc M-430iA/2F Robot
Applications: Cleanroom, Order Picking, Packaging
Available Fanuc Controllers: R-30iA
Reach: 1130 mm
Payload: 2 kg
Full Specifications
Fanuc M-6iT Robot
Applications: Arc Welding, Machine Loading, Machine Tending
Available Fanuc Controllers: RJ3
Reach: 1158 mm
Payload: 6 kg
Full Specifications
Fanuc M-16iAT Robot
Applications: Material Handling, Part Transfer, Pick and Place
Available Fanuc Controllers: RJ3iB
Reach: 1605 mm
Payload: 16 kg
Full Specifications
Fanuc ArcMate 120iLT Robot
Applications: Arc Welding
Available Fanuc Controllers: RJ2, RJ3
Reach: 1813 mm
Payload: 10 kg
Full Specifications
Fanuc ArcMate 120iB/10LT Robot
Applications: Arc Welding
Available Fanuc Controllers: RJ3iB
Reach: 1735 mm
Payload: 10 kg
Full Specifications
Fanuc M-16iB/10LT Robot
Applications: Dispensing, Machine Tending, Material Handling
Available Fanuc Controllers: RJ3iB
Reach: 1735 mm
Payload: 10 kg
Full Specifications
Fanuc M-16iB/20T Robot
Applications: Material Handling, Plasma Cutting, Press Tending
Available Fanuc Controllers: RJ3iB
Reach: 1517 mm
Payload: 20 kg
Full Specifications
Fanuc M-710iBT Robot
Applications: Dispensing, Machine Tending, Material Handling
Available Fanuc Controllers: RJ3iB
Reach: 1706 mm
Payload: 70 kg
Full Specifications
Fanuc M-710iC/T Robot
Applications: Dispensing, Machine Tending, Material Handling
Available Fanuc Controllers: R-30iA, RJ3iC
Reach: 1900 mm
Payload: 50 kg
Full Specifications
Fanuc M-710iC/70T Robot
Applications: Dispensing, Machine Tending, Material Handling
Available Fanuc Controllers: R-30iA
Reach: 1900 mm
Payload: 70 kg
Full Specifications
Fanuc R-2000iB/200T Robot
Applications: Dispensing, Machine Tending, Material Handling
Available Fanuc Controllers: RJ3iB
Reach: 2207 mm
Payload: 200 kg
Full Specifications
Fanuc SR Mate 200i Robot
Applications: Machine Loading, Machine Tending, Material Handling
Available Fanuc Controllers: RJ3, RJ3iB
Reach: 1158 mm
Payload: 8 kg
Full Specifications
Fanuc F-200iB Robot
Applications: Dispensing, Machine Tending, Material Handling
Available Fanuc Controllers: RJ3iB
Reach: 437 mm
Payload: 100 kg
Full Specifications
Fanuc F-200iA Robot
Applications: Dispensing, Machine Tending, Material Handling
Available Fanuc Controllers: RJ3iB
Reach: 437 mm
Payload: 100 kg
Full Specifications
Fanuc R-30iA Pendant
The Fanuc R-30iA system controller is adv, anced technology in a proven, reliable design.
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Fanuc R-30iA Mate Pendant
The compact R-30iA Mate controller is built on the reliability of the standard FANUC R-30iA controller. It is available as a rack mount that fits into a standard 19" electronics rack.
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Fanuc RJ3iC Pendant
The high performance Fanuc RJ3iC robot controller provides a level of intelligence never offered before.
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Fanuc RJ3iB Pendant
The Fanuc RJ3iB uses advanced technology packaged in a proven, reliable and efficient controller design.
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Fanuc RJ3 Pendant
The advanced technology of the Fanuc R-J3 controller makes it a proven, reliable third generation controller.
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Fanuc RJ2 Pendant
The Fanuc R-J2 controller incorporates the most advanced and proven technology to improve total system performance while simplifying overall cell and system integration.
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Fanuc RJ Pendant
The Fanuc RJ controller programs easily for multiple applications. Servo amps, I/O boards, and the CPU are easily accessible through a front panel in the dust-proof, air cooled cabinet.
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